“Every act of generosity counts
and everyone has something to give.”

On November 29, 2022, people all around the world are coming together to tap into the power of human connection. Will you be one of them? Keep Carroll Beautiful appreciates your generosity on GivingTuesday and any other day of the year! 

The Giving Tuesday Initiative explores a simple idea: whether it’s showing up for an issue or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts.

Keep Carroll Beautiful strives to provide FREE services to the residents of Carroll County, Georgia. Amnesty recycling events, litter programs, community gardens, and education – we cannot do this without the kind support of our donors. Whether you give $5 or $500 – every dollar counts!

Give time and volunteer!

Everyone has something to offer. From our smallest litter-picking machines to corporate groups, we have a program that makes a difference in our community and makes you feel better!

  • Adopt A Road Program
  • Adopt A Trail Program

Do the right thing!

Pledge to help us reduce waste and recycle! Take your CARDBOARD, METALS, GLASS, and PAPER to a Carroll Co. Convenience Center, save your ELECTRONICS for E-Recycling Event, and bring your TIRES to Tired of Tires Amnesty!